Infrared and Ultrasound Inspection and Reporting with InspecTrend®

A database system with logical layout designed for in-the-field and long-term flexibility; inspection accountability, ease of operation for the client and the inspector as well as outstanding report clarity

Logical equipment ID and data collection

Clear finding reporting with fault projection

Logical report organization with history

InspecTrend® primary features which benefit both the client and the inspector:

1. Inspection Inventory Accountability: Each component in the inspection inventory is classed as to Inspection Status at the time of observation as:

  • Tested (valid infrared observation with load),
  • NTNL (Not Tested No Load),
  • NTTC (Not Tested Time Constraint),
  • NTUR (Not Tested Under Repair),
  • NTNS (Not Tested Not Specific),
  • NTNA (Not Tested Not Accessible),
  • NTLO (Not Tested Locked Out) or
  • NSFI (Not Scheduled For Inspection).

Our Clients are left with the assurance that every scheduled component in the inventory was examined and tested if possible and why not if otherwise. This inspection accountability puts the Client in control so that for items not tested, subsequent inspection can be scheduled as needed. At a later time, the insuror may want to know as part of a loss claim, whether or not a particular component was tested. With the Inspectrend system, there will be no question of the answer at any later time.


2. Component Repair Accountability: Each component that appears on the “Problem” report is classed as “open” and will remain with that status until specifically “closed” at the time of the subsequent observation by the inspector if it has been reported repaired and no longer exhibits the prior conditions. Prior to any inspection, a review of prior problems with plant management will clarify which items should have been repaired.


3. Asset ID enabled inspection/equipment inventory: The inspection report results can be fully coordinated with the facility or plant equipment inventory system and may be Bar-Code enabled if desired. Bar-code labels including the inspection company contact information are also available and can be applied by the inspection company or facility personnel. The plant schedule of equipment can be imported from an excel format directly into the InspecTrend database.


4. Inspection history reporting: Components with repeat appearances are clearly identified. Critical component results may be trended and reported specifically


5. Cost Avoidance or ROI reporting for “Problem” components: This report provides Engineering Management a projected estimate of the cost savings as a result of timely repairs (labor and materials only – no lost production value estimates) relative to the cost of the Infrared Inspection


6. Quick Report Turnaround: Typically in one to two days for the Final Report with an initial on-site PDF generated Problem Report


The InspecTrend® system has many other features that enhance the precision of the data acquisition process along with a tried-and-true report format designed and updated with both client and inspector experience over the prior years.


In addition to the above, large-scale clients with many locations may wish to have access to all of the reports on-line. InspecTrend® report access is available in these situations with a Web Manager linked to off-site secure storage. Plant management can, with appropriate passwords, edit aspects of a particular component or record (as repaired, closed, etc) and run a variety of reports based on the inspection history or a single inspection.

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