Aerial Infrared Large Roof Inspections are Nationwide

Aerial Infrared Imaging

A better view from the air for roof moisture on large and/or complex installations – our specialty

We can also help with the location of:  
  • Pollution in rivers and lakes from sewer or chemical contaminated stormwater
  • Lost, stray or wild Animals
  • Landfill fires
  • Underground leakage from steam piping
Armco Inspections provides Aerial Infrared Imaging Services through our participation in the national RoofscanIR thermographer Network.

We provide On-Roof confirmations utilizing infrared, nuclear and intrusive testing as the job requires.

Click here to learn more about infrared surveying of roofs.

Armco Inspections – Infrared Division offers aerial infrared imaging through our membership in the AITscanTM Network

Authorized Contractor

Aerial IR Surveying

Visual photographs are taken earlier in the day or the next day. Both visual and infrared images are used to do the analysis by overlaying the AutoCAD drawing of the roof ‘over’ the digitized photographs and thermographs. The drawings are created indicating areas of suspected moisture contamination.
The result is a report where visual, infrared and AutoCAD Components are well-matched and lined-up.
To learn more about infrared surveying of roofs…click here.

Example of aerial survey work by RoofscanIR network affiliate with typical report imagery and CAD moisture location layout/overlays –

For a Free Consultations, Call Us at (336) 908-3547

A typical Armco Inspections client had this to say:

“The deliverable product from Armco Infrared is based on a relaxed and professional on-roof discovery process coupled with a report format that is thorough, detailed and clear to our clients. The overall package is what we would expect from a North Carolina Registered Engineer. We have used Armco as a third-party independent infrared roof condition evaluator for a number of years and continue to see the finished product as a benefit with both our new client acquisition efforts as well as on-going customer service”

— R.W. – Senior Regional Field Operations Manager – National Roofing Products Manufacturer and Contractor – Read More Client Comments

Impartiality + Flexibility + Thoroughness + Clear Reporting = Client Confidence & Plans for Action

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